Routine Foot Care

Medical terminology: routine foot care
Routine foot care is the main service provided by foot specialist (Chiropodists/Podiatrists). It is the bread and butter of most foot clinics. Many people have difficulty managing their own feet due to inability of reaching their feet, the lack of proper instruments to care for their feet or extremely difficult to cut toenails and excessive hard skin build up. Routine foot care is a general service to help maintain people’s toenails, hard skin build and overall foot health. It is usually performed on a routine basis depending how fast that foot issue returns. For example, most patients come back every 6-8 weeks for routine nail trimming while some patients who get hard skin build up only need to come back every 3-6 months. If you are having difficulty maintaining your feet, seeing a foot specialist for routine foot care is a vital step in order to maintain happy, healthy feet!
How can you treat?
- Visit a foot specialist if you are having any questions or difficulties with your feet.
- Book routine appointments with your foot specialist to avoid any foot issues developing into bigger foot concerns.
Recommendation to prevent the issue:
- Maintain nails at a reasonable length.
- Trim your toenails straight across and avoid cutting down the sides.
- Use a foot file/pumice stone regularly to reduce hard skin build up.
- Moisturize feet on a regular basis.
- Wear proper fitting footwear that has sufficient padding and support for your foot type.