Mississauga Foot Clinic provides surgical solutions for a number of different foot problems. All of these minor surgical procedures are performed in-office and under local anesthetic.
Depending on the procedure, the patient can usually drive home themselves for the majority of our surgical treatments and can be performed during the first appointment.
You will be given a post-op package of gauze, wrap, band-aids and ointment as well as detailed instructions on how to care for your foot after the procedure. Any antibiotic ointments/pills will be prescribed if necessary by your foot specialist.
We will ensure you understand all the different options for your foot problem, go over the pro’s and con’s for the procedure and ensure you have all the information needed in order to make an informed decision about your surgical procedure.
Painless procedure, performed under local anesthetic, that permanently removes painful, stubborn ingrown toenail(s).
Painless procedure, performed under local anesthetic, that removes the full toenail with the option of letting a new healthy toenail grow back (for fungal toenails) or permanently stopping.
Under local anesthetic, the wart is removed painlessly, then electrocautery and chemical cautery is applied to reduce chances of wart regrowth.
Surgical release of a tendon to straighten claw/hammer toe deformity.